Biggest Scam in History – The Federal Reserve System

Biggest Scam in History – The Federal Reserve System

You in history, and not even know it – the Federal Reserve System. Learn what it is, how it works, and what’s being done to stop it.

For an easy way to understand how the Federal Reserve System works, consider the following illustration. It’s in the form of an agreement, or contract, between two ”persons”. Let’s you and me play the parts of the two parties to the contract:

  1. Mortgage your house to the max, if it isn’t up-side-down already.
  2. Pool up everything else you own and take a loan against it as collateral.
  3. Take all the proceeds from 1. and 2., and deposit them in your checking account.
  4. Liquidate all your other accounts and any other assets you e above mentioned checking account.
  5. Now give me the checkbook, and sign the account over to me. Yes, you’ll be putting every last thing you own into the control of my capable hands.

Listen to what you get in return! Here’s my part of the deal. If you will do the above, I will do the following:

  1. Whenever you want any amount of money for anything, just ask me via a signed document, and I will write you a check. It can be any amount, regardless of the balance of the account you signed over to me, and you can get the checks as often as you like.
  2. These checks will be loans from me to you. And here’s the sweet part: you don’t have to pay the principal of the loan. Let me repeat that: You do not have to pay the principal of this loan. You only pay the interest. It is a true interest only loan. And the interest rate is very good – it’s on par with US Treasury Bonds.
  3. Are you still a little skeptical? Let me sweeten the deal a little more. If you should happen to go on a wild spending spree for a long period of time, and you start to get nervous that even just the interest payments are growing exponentially out of control – don’t worry, you can always just borrow more money and use that to pay any amount of interest.


So are you convinced yet? Is it a deal? Great! I’m glad you agree Arkansas pawn store license now, since you’ve already accepted this deal when the Federal Reserve Act was stealthily passed on December 23, 1913 while Congress was preoccupied with getting away a little early for Christmas Break 1 . This Act of Congress reinstated a Central Bank in America for the fourth time, this time under the guise of a “Federal Reserve System”.

And yes, this is how the business relationship between you and me got started, and this is the gist of how it actually works.

  1. Your Congress stated on March 9, 1933 “The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the nation.” 2,3
  2. Your president Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102 on April 5, 1933 requiring all “persons” to turn over all their gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates to a Federal Reserve Bank in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes by May 1, 1933 4 . Yes, you performed your part of the deal a little late, but that’s only because I gave you a 20 year moratorium before I called in your bankruptcy 5 .

As for my part of the deal, I’ve been buying your bonds ever since. Those signed documents that you give me whenever you request money from me are called ”Government Securities” (Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills – Let’s just call them all ”bonds” for ease). This is how you get your money in unlimited quantity. You take some paper and ink, and create a bond. I take some paper and ink and create a check 6 . We exchange the documents 7 . Your bank honors these checks even though my account has no balance to back it up 8 – no questions asked. I am the Federal Reserve – I am above questioning by anyone.